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A few authorly shout-outs

posted June 27th, 2011 in Friends,Site News,Writing

Some visitors may know that at some point, I’d like to write a novel. Especially since I’ve crossed “record and sell at least one CD” off of my to-do list. (Maybe I should’ve set the bar a little higher, but this was before just anybody could release a record on Bandcamp.) I’d started a few times in high school but never quite finished. Maybe I’ll finally get to do National Novel Writing Month this year, finally, and get a little closer.

But it turns out several of my friends are aspiring authors as well and write blogs, either about the writing process or as an entertaining aside to their main writings. So, here’s a shout-out to the ones I know off-hand:

Amanda Hanna
Jenn Johnson

In other news, yes, I know, I still haven’t changed the layout or started the process of posting photos. But one day, before the end of the year at worst, there should be a grand unveiling. I’m just too nitpicky about the presentation to settle on something!

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